Cambridge International students in US schools know their passing grades on Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications can do more than get them admitted to university. Their grades may also earn college course credit at over 850 colleges and universities in North America. But did you know that international students are eligible for this credit too?

Earning credits can save students time and money. For example, Cambridge students going to a US institution in the state of Florida can earn up to 45 college credits towards their degree. With most undergraduate degrees requiring around 120 total credits and at least four years of study, all Cambridge students should take advantage of these credit-by-exam policies.
International students, however, aren’t always aware of this option, and universities don’t always make it clear how to receive these credits
That’s why we encourage all counsellors in Cambridge schools around the world to share these tips with any student planning to attend a US or Canadian college or university:
• Check our Recognitions database for institutions that explicitly say they award course credit and confirm the details by visiting each institution’s website.
• Search for “credit by exam” or “transfer credit” on the college site and see if Cambridge International is explicitly mentioned. Sometimes a college will group all “A-Level” qualifications together too, so they may not be listed directly as “Cambridge International”.
• Ask! Email the international admissions office at your preferred university and specifically ask if they award credit for Cambridge grades and if there is a chart showing the associated courses (for example, here is the credit chart for Florida State University ). Ask for instructions on how to submit grades for consideration. You may also want to ask the academic advisor at the university how to receive your credits and discuss how they apply to your degree programme.
• If there isn’t a published credit chart, or the decision is up to each academic department, keep asking for instructions on how to submit materials to the department. A department might want to see samples of your work, for example.
• Remember to be proactive! US universities often put ownership into the student’s hands, so you should not assume credits will automatically be applied. Start these conversations before you arrive on campus. Having credits in place before you begin classes will ensure you are placed in and taking the appropriate courses.
Cambridge students are dedicated and motivated learners. They deserve to have their knowledge and skills recognised, not only for admission into university but also for college course credit. Let’s make sure students know about all the opportunities available to them.
More information
Find out more about applying to US universities with Cambridge qualifications on our website.
Common App, an online system for applying to US universities, has recently updated its application to include Cambridge International programmes. Find out more.