I am very passionate about children and teaching. While being the Principal of schools like Kothari International School, Apeejay and KRM, I always strive to bring out an atmosphere of solace and positivity. I see responsibilities as challenges which helps me in growing as a person and as a Principal. My one seemingly expression of ‘approval’ and ‘appreciation’ makes a big difference in the lives of children and teachers.
I am an extremely extrovert person, who had, from the very beginning chosen the noble profession of teaching as my line of work. Educating children comes to me naturally and has become a way of life for me. I have, in a career spanning thirty years developed and worked on different learning strategies. I am of the firm belief that teaching learning situation has to remain contemporary, employing the latest multimedia tools and theories of education to make the learning simpler, interesting and joyful, so that it facilitates the development of an autonomous learner. I have a tendency to take any problem head on and look out of the box for solution in situations, where no obvious solution exists. I have a very friendly disposition and am respected by my juniors, peers and superiors alike.
I endeavor the Introduction and Implementation of phonic in the primary to develop reading skills and project based learning in the primary and middle school, commencement of various life skills program for all the grades with a focus on mental well being.